I HATE self taught pianists!?
2012-07-04 19:49:29 UTC
Ok, by self taught pianist, I mean the bitches who sit at your piano and play chords and know the chord names, and how to play songs in a different key (easy ****!?) And all they play is pop songs, so when you put music infront of them, they are totally lost, yet they say they can "play" the piano, and list it as a achievement.... as a pianist who can read music, figure theory, and appreciate musicians from many callibres, this infuriates me. Anyone else like to share their views?
24 answers:
2012-07-04 21:32:27 UTC
I should point out you misspelled "calibre", but then I 'D be bitchin' :))))
2016-12-31 15:08:07 UTC
Self Taught Pianist
2016-04-04 06:52:50 UTC
For the best answers, search on this site

Well, King Troll, aged fourteen, read carefully.... Yep: Just tell the parental units you are not at all into it and that they're wasting their money. [ Do not expect, however, for them to pony up the funds for your next ambition, the Electric Guitar - after all, even though it was an eight year run, you've just quit another instrument - that's not a good scenario / prospectus to make your folks want to fund another venture you might just arbitrarily drop after months or years. ] If they 'force you' to continue ("Minor tied up and dragged against will to piano lesson." - LOL!) Then..... Fail spectacularly: Fail your grade exam, show up, play with as little spirit and as much technical error and slop as you can manage. Butcher Liszt; slaughter Brahms; rip Wolfie a new one. Give off enormous bad and bored attitude to the adjudicators. Likewise, show up at every lesson and behave exactly the same way: arrive not only not progressed but so "work not done" it is audible to the teacher you have not looked at the music or touched a piano during the entire week since the last lesson. Repeat. Repeat the above (be consistent!) so your teacher ~ regardless of perhaps being a mercenary who is already (in your case) just sitting there bearing it, gritting their teeth each time you are there for a lesson just so they can collect a check ~ finally gets frustrated enough they call your folks and 'fire' you, telling your folks they are completely throwing money away in paying for your piano lessons. But by all means stop playing any and all instruments as soon as possible, and don't ever again entertain picking up a 'new' instrument. There are tens of thousands of actual concert level pianists in the world, almost all of them out of work as concert pianists. Ditto, tenfold over, for taught or self-taught competent rock guitarists. One in forty thousand of those might actually have the chops, discipline and some hint or spark of originality where they could actually make a few cents as some guitarist in a local band - part time while holding down a day job or living at home with Mom and Dad - the rest? Wasting time which could be applied to earning money as a clerk in a second hand CD store or as a Guitar Center sales person. You would be doing all a favor if you swore off forever the playing of any and all musical instruments. Become an educated and well-informed audience member. Artists need eager and paying audiences. Best regards.
2012-07-05 00:42:27 UTC
Captain Jack! Why do you presume that people who can read sheet music, can't play without it? Not only do the best pianists memorize their music, they can certainly play by ear. Why do some people have to insist that taking music lessons of any kind renders one soulless and incapable of playing with real feeling and emotion?

I don't necessarily hate self-taught pianists. Some are definitely better than others, but it depends on the circumstances. For instance if I'm just hanging around someone's home or at a local piano bar, and everyone is singing along to popular songs for fun--I don't really much care if the pianist is kind of making it up as he goes along. What does royally piss me off is when I'm supposed to sing for a performance and I need a specific arrangement in a specific key, and I'm told so-and-so can play anything, and I find out that they can't play a damn thing that's on that sheet music.

If it's something classical, it frustrating! If the pianist has to play with other better trained musicians, then it's even worse.

I know a pianist who usually plays by ear because the customers at the restaurants and bars she does her gigs will often request songs, or want to sing along when she plays (she can transpose quite easily) . However, she did major in music and has a degree.

I don't know if I hate the self-taught pianists as much as I hate people who think that only the self-taught have true talent. As I point out, even Mozart and Beethoven took piano lessons.

This is an example of a classically trained pianist playing. The music is memorized from sheet music.

Here is a self-taught pianist that I'm sure some would say is better than the first, because he can play this "song" faster! Because faster is better, right?
Blank Blank
2012-07-05 11:29:43 UTC
I think you're thinking of those kinds of people that only know how to play one or two specific songs but claim to be pianists. Those kind of people are annoying, yes, but it all comes down to a person's preferred method of learning, whether you're a visual learner or a hearing (lack of better word) learner or both.

For me, I learn visually, I can admit that I can read sheet music very well but I can't play very well if you ask me to play without sheet music. I rely too much on sheet music and I have a hard time teaching myself how to play, oops.

However, I know some people who are hearing learners. Some of them are self taught, some of them just struggle with sheet music, and some of them are fine with sheet music but prefer to learn by ear, they're not all the same.

It's a person's preference, really. It's like how some people in school learn better when reading in their head while others learn better when reading aloud.

As long as you can get your point and emotions across while playing music it shouldn't matter what method of learning you choose.

There's nothing wrong with self-taught pianists, and those people you hate so much are NOT self-taught pianists.
2016-10-06 03:53:09 UTC
Self Taught Piano
2015-05-24 20:50:57 UTC
I started playing piano when I was 6, and I had lessons. It was all well and good but I eventually started hating it because I suck at reading sheet music. When I try to read it, the lines get all blurry and it's just not good for anyone, so I decided I'd just do it myself and that's what I did. I memorized those stupid chords and based on them I improvise the melody by ear. If I know what key it's in, I can have a song figured out in a few minutes. It's so much easier to me than reading those Godawful dots. it'd be real nice if you weren't critical of the way other people learn. Just because I taught myself doesn't mean I'm some idiot than can only play 3 songs if he has the chords sitting in front of him
2016-03-22 13:18:25 UTC
Really! Some of the worst robotic sounding pianists in the world are taught by elitist teachers!

Most of them can';t play anything if you take their sheet music away! If you want to be an academic

pianist, and show the world your 3rd Reich attitude, you';re on the right path!

Most of the people who made mega millions playing music, ARE SELF TAUGHT!
2012-07-05 02:07:00 UTC
I couldn't care less whether someone is self taught or not. I don't play the piano myself but think it a marvellous instrument and have admiration for all pianists whether self taught or formally taught, whether they play by ear or from music (or both).

The thing is, there are lots of people posting here in the music and performing arts section who aren't pianists. All they do is pick out single-note melodies (although they are too stupid to use that term, they use "piano notes" instead) and maybe add a few block chords with their left hand. These people seriously believe they can "play the piano" and happily tell people how easy it is to learn (easier than the guitar, they say).

I think, partly, it's a sign of the times (I am very old): in my day, people wanted to LEARN how to play an instrument, they knew it took time and needed a lot of work. It also cost money. Nowadays people want to KNOW HOW to play an instrument; to learn "the easiest" way; they want an instrument that's "good and cheap". They "learn" by watching videos on the Internet; they ask people to tell them, note by note, how to play the simplest nursery-rhyme melodies because they, "just play by ear and don't read music notes."! This is the 21st century and yet the levels of ignorance out there are stupefying...

Maybe you have a point.
2012-07-08 19:13:31 UTC
Pianists that learn by ear are incredibly talented but also have the disadvantage of not being able to read music. A couple of my friends in college learn piano by ear really well but are struggling to pass piano proficiency because they can't read the music. I admire them because you can ask them to play just about any popular song or show tune and then can play it within a few minutes. I have a hard time understanding how one cannot read music but I learned piano when I was 7 years old. And actually, being able to play by ear can help with music theory classes when you do ear training and have to notate a melody.
2014-01-01 09:24:39 UTC
Crikey, this attitude really floors me. As a clasically trained pianist who can't play at all WITHOUT music, I see myself as equally handicapped, and yet I started out learning to play by ear. If I had my time over again I would never learn to read music. I feel that being trained as I was to rigidly read the notes and never venture off the page robbed me of my natural ability to just enjoy the lovely sounds I was making at the piano before all the 'rules' got in the way. I'm now in my 50s and struggling to step away from the dots.
2016-03-19 11:17:03 UTC
Ok. I'm not lying. That is exactly how it was for me. When I started piano I found I loved playing but dreaded going to lessons every week. It really helped when I changed piano teachers. My first piano teacher I had for 2 years and I just wasn't getting better at all, and found it awkward every week when I went over to lessons and she had forgotten about me. My second teacher was fabulous but was often frustrated that I couldn't play fast enough and didn't memorize easily. And now, after 3 and a half years of struggling through piano because of teachers that I just didn't connect with, I have a wonderful teacher that makes piano less stressful/awkward and just more natural and fun.
Caleb Craig
2012-07-04 19:57:26 UTC
I agree with you to an extent. There have been many great musicians in the world that can't read music or know much about theory. Just look at the blues. But on the other hand, yes people shouldn't claim to play an instrument unless they can actually play it. I know a few chords on piano, but never would I say I play it. But I am a self taught guitar player and have spent many years writing my own songs, playing in bands, and exploring my talents. So what I'm saying is there's a difference between being a self taught musician and being a douchebag. You were referring to douchebags. And we should punch them.
2015-03-12 16:36:00 UTC
it s funny I am a self taught piano player, and I have been told many times by professional pianist that have been playing for way much longer than I have, that they wish they could play like me. I respect both kind of players, have met and played with both and have had great experiences with both kind of players.
2016-01-29 04:31:21 UTC
That's the problem with scientists and mathematicians! They think the world is digital when it's analogue! Mechanical when it's fluid! Something to be conquered instead of simply enjoyed! Precise to the atomic count when it's supposed to be functionally artistic! Militarian when it's supposed to be free from the soul! That folks, is the human being who wants to put life all aspect of life into a neatly filed organized box!
2016-01-12 10:16:44 UTC
Learning how to read music and play the piano is a very detailed process, and combines many different skills with the challenges of learning something new. Learn here

When you are learning how to play the piano, it’s true that you require email support, but you also need a variety of other ways to have your questions answered. A well written course covers many questions, but there is no substitute for having real, live support when you are unclear on something specific to your learning curve.
2015-04-03 08:24:33 UTC
Seriously!? Your attitude sucks. There are millions of individuals who would not even consider spending time to learn a song on piano, much rather watching television or going out partying. ANYONE who makes the effort to sit down at a piano, teaching themselves without any help are the kinds of people that impress me. I don t care whether people can teach themselves by sight without being able to read a damn note or from the age of 3 are forced by their parents to read music. Who cares. If they put passion into a song and take the time to dedicate themselves to music then that s fine with me.
2016-01-29 04:37:47 UTC
That s the problem with scientists and mathematicians! They think the world is digital when it s analogue! Mechanical when it s fluid! Something to be conquered instead of simply enjoyed! Precise to the atomic count when it s supposed to be functionally artistic! Militarian when it s supposed to be free from the soul! That folks, is the human being who wants to put all aspects of life into a neatly filed organized box!
Captain Jack ®
2012-07-04 21:50:03 UTC
I hate classically trained pianists. They claim to know everything, but if you take their sheet music away, they can't play anything.



Birdgirl, you obviously don't recognize irony when you see it. This was to make a point to the original poster. I have been playing music for 40 years and have saw both ends of the spectrum, and everything in between.
2012-07-05 06:18:51 UTC
Hey, what about the many blind, and even some autistic savant individuals throughout recent history in music, have accomplished and performed such of their abilities on the keyboard?

Hailed as musicians and entertainers, but devoid of any formal training and academics.


You still the judge of who are 'players'? All be it of the fakers, huh?

Chopstick syndrome? Or, of being a pompous, musical snob.

Hail to the brain, and not the root applied academia.
2012-07-04 21:09:13 UTC
Never gave it much thought, I took organ lessons 40 years ago. learned to read sheet music and all that happy horse crap, forgot everything, couldn't read sheet now if my life depended on it. but however if you were to hum a few bars or let me hear the song one time, I could do it on any keyboard or stringed instrument, have no idea what your tripping on.
2012-07-04 19:51:31 UTC
i actually taught myself how to play a few songs, but i don't say that i play piano, because i really don't. i totally agree with you tho because some people put a lot of time and effort to practice and learn piano and they 'don't get credit'....
2012-07-04 20:10:42 UTC
I think music is more a matter of expression than mechanics. If you can effectively convey your emotions through what you're performing then your skill shouldn't matter. The unrefined musician has emotional intensity only found in chaos.

You've studied, I can see that. But are you inspired?
2012-07-04 20:49:50 UTC
I totally agree. I take piano lessons.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.