I disagree with the other answers. Yes, Zoom and Boss make very decent multifx pedals. I'm not as wild about Line 6, but I'm also very particular (read: obsessive) about my tone, and I've never been happy with Line 6 tone. There is nothing inherently wrong with using effects on any type of guitar (acoustic, semiacoustic, electroacoustic, bass, whatever). Many of the Boss pedals are complex. If you want simple, avoid the ME- and GT- series. Powerful? Yes. Sound good? Yes. Can you do a ton of stuff with them? Yes. Learning curve, though? Yes. The biggest complaint that I have about multifx pedals (any of them and all of them) is that the distortion tends to blow. Clean effects are often quite decent, and I've found that I prefer having one multifx pedal with decent customizable clean effects verses a half-dozen pedals that I have to keep an eye on, make sure batteries don't run out or adapters don't fall out, cables don't fail, etc. I prefer to get my distortion from a pedal or my amp. That said, I do prefer heavy distortion (chugga chugga chug chug wheeeee chugga chugga)... the lighter distortion (overdrive, boost, even a slight crunch) tends to not be too bad. So yeah... I think that the Line 6 you're looking at would be acceptable for you. Line 6 tends to be relatively easy to use, and I think that you'll be happy with the results. It's not a POD or a Spyder, so that's good at least. While I loathe the POD and Spyder amps, it is for very specific reasons that would involve me ranting and raving about things that most people probably wouldn't even care about. The clean tones you can get with those units aren't too bad.... just, in my opinion, not the heavier distorted tones. Ideally, for me, I would prefer to play my guitar through it before I bought it... or at least make sure that there was a decent return policy. Good luck! Saul