I am just starting to learn to play guitar and need some advice, The gear I have is a Yamah Pacifica electric guitar, a Fender Frontman 212R Amplifier, and a Boss GT 10 (my uncle is rich and thought I could a multi effects processor, he played for 30 years...lucky me lol) anyways I am just looking for a good step in the right direction here on learning the chords, styles, good habits to progress faster. I don't think a personal teacher at music store would be best because my hours at work always vary and they seem to charge 30 bucks or more for only 30 minutes, is there a good site that gives good instruction on playing and techniques? The other thing is what kind of software can I use with the GT 10 if I plug it directly into my laptop? I have never used the features like recording and transferring your playing into some kind of recording software, or downloaded any patches and configurations from the web, I just got this thing yesterday from my uncle and am still understanding what some of the basic effects do and how the controls work. The kind of style/music I like is mostly rock, classic rock, and guitar players and artists like Eric Johnson, Joe Satriani, Eric Clapton, Jimi Hendrix, Jimmy Page, Aerosmith, The Cars, etc..