There are no transistors showing in your photo. That doesn't necessarily mean the amp doesn't have any. They could be mounted elsewhere. For instance, in my Peavey Session 400 all-solid state amp, the transistors are mounted to the rear of the chassis, presumably for ventilation. Having said that, everything in your photo is consistent with what I've seen in all-tube amps with point-to-point wiring.
More info is needed if you want to be absolutely certain. Do you have a schematic?
UPDATE: Yes, I followed the link to the full view (which is much lower resolution) and still do not see any transistors. The only component I can't positively identify as a resistor or capacitor is that small blue square. It has a cable connected to the front panel on the far left (opposite end from the toggle switch). What is that control/input? Ultimately, it doesn't matter if the amp sounds good.
Let me stress this point: there are crappy sounding tube amps, and good sounding solid state amps. Just because some of the greatest sounding amps (in my opinion) are all-tube, it doesn't mean that *all* tube amps are the best. Believe me...I grew up back when all amps had tubes, and there were some pretty bad ones. Everything in your photo leads me to believe that the amp is all-tube, but that doesn't mean squat unless you actually like the tone of the amp. And conversely, if you like the tone, who cares whether it's coming from tubes or transistors?