Open Strings (where no frets are pressed)
in a standard six string guitars (either metal
or nylon strings) can be tuned as follows:
First let get oriented:
The string closest to the floor when you
hold the guitar in playing position is "E"
often called the 1st string.
The string closest to your chin when
holding the guitar in playing position is the
"Low E" string often called the 6th string.
Most beginner guitar players benefit from
using any of the guitar electronic tuners
available in most guitar stores for around $20.00
Using this gadget most people don't worry
about the tuning of any of the strings since
the unit is most often regulated to provide
a standard tuning based on 440 frequency.
Another gadget you can also use is The "A" Tuning Fork where you want to match the
sound emitted by the fork (440) at the 5th
fret of the 1st string (E). Fork Cost $10.
Once you have the first string set up to play
the Note "A" sound frequency at the 5th fret
you can then Tune all the other strings in this fashion:
The 2nd string (B) when pressed at the 5th fret should match the sound of the OPEN String 1
The 3rd string (G) when pressed at the 4th fret should match the sound of the OPEN String 2
The 4th string (D) when pressed at the 5th fret should match the sound of the OPEN String 3
The 5th string (A) when pressed at the 5th fret should match the sound of the OPEN String 4
The 6th string (LowE) when pressed at the 5thfret should match the sound of OPEN String 5
Any string may break if excess pressure
is placed on the string designated tension
rating. This is where the little gadget
(tuner)described above comes handy.
Most of them designate which note
and string position (1s to 6th) is being tuned.