Hi Holly!
Do you have a private flute instructor? I personally would start there and ask LOTS of questions regarding major questions such as: silver head and body, just silver head, wall thickness, low B foot, obviously French model open hole, inline/offset G key....this last one is very important. You must evaluate if your fingers are short, are you putting too much pressure on joints and etc of ring finger so, don't negate importance of this key placement. Amount you are able to spend. To me the most important part of the flute is the head joint (HJ) this is where you get into thickness/thinness of walls of flute. Then there is the cut of embouchure hole. Every HJ has gives a different sound to ANY flute. You will find this out when you start *auditioning* flutes.
I don't live in UK but know many flutists there. When does the British Flute Society have their next convention or flute fair? That would be the IDEAL time to play and check out numerous flutes from endless makers. This would allow you to switch HJ's to find the best combination for you and your needs. Can't remember if Just Flutes is also a retail music store. If so, they would have different brands of flutes to try.
You are doing the right thing by not rushing into this. Continue to take your time, look around, ask questions, seek input, and become knowledgeable regarding every aspect of flute construction and be that informed consumer. Don't buy for looks or name. Buy for quality and meeting the expectations of your next level of flute education and beyond.
Good luck, happy fluting, play well and continue to do your homework on flutes.