i try and try and try but nothing ever seems to in prove. i have been playing for almost 3 years now and all i can do is play a couple classic song beats like iron man and smoke on the water and also can play tapping and some alternate picking. i know that seems like a lot to you or probably not but its been 3 years and all i can do is that. i think im way behind and should be higher than where im at. the stuff im trying to get better at is going up and down the neck with scales and all that fast stuff. and the question that bugs me the most is "where do i start off from where im at right now?" basically what im trying to understand is what do i go to next when someone is at this level? what should i learn next? im trying to get better. i have been trying very hard with this guitar thing but i feel that im getting nowhere and cant move ahead. its very frustrating and can get depressing at some times because all of my family members are gods when it comes to guitar. im trying to get better os i can be the next one in the family to be good at guitar. so please help me with this and give me some advice on where i need to go now that im at the current level and what i need ot learn next. thanks